Friday, August 31, 2007

Holiday weekend

Here at work again, still pregnant. I'm trying to drop hints to LittleGirl that this is Labor Day weekend. Get it, sweetie? Labor. Day. Ok glad we talked about that again.

This will be a quick post because I'm trying to realign my ducks before leaving today in case someone (ahem- you, LittleGirl) decides to make a grand appearance before Tuesday. I already know that someone else will be using my desk while I'm on leave (we're short on space, don't ask), and I have cleaned up accordingly. I have one last project that must be finished before the end of the day and then the rest is icing. Mmmmm, icing.

My BP was just fine last night and this morning. I'll keep tracking...

And if I make it that long, a week from today will be my last day at work. Weird. Having a scheduled c-section removes a bit of the uncertainty of pregnancy. I mean, I still don't think I'll make it to the 13th. But if I do make it that long, that's it. Unlike a due date, which is merely a suggestion. So, in no more than 13 days, I will meet LittleGirl. I'm excited, nervous, and anxious all at the same time.

This roller coaster is finally heading down the big exciting hill. Whee!


Anonymous said...

Well, I'm impressed she hasn't made her appearance yet. She must really love it where she's at. My son was the same and had to be induced when I reached 41 weeks. Even then he refused to come out and the docs had to open me up to go get him. It sure would be nice to meet her this weekend though....

Anonymous said...

Little girl may very well appear on Sunday. As little boy was born on my daughter's (the blond)16th birthday it seems fitting that little girl will appear the day I take the blond to college.... This will give us many more years of tormenting her Dad on how old he is! Of course if she doesn't she takes after her Dad...always a little late! ;o)} S