Tuesday, May 20, 2008

But Can We Still Wear White?

If you've been following my musings for long enough, you probably read all about the fact that I am a Sweet Adeline, and that my chorus goes to competition each year. Last year, we marched on to the stage ready to make a name for ourselves. Ready to own the competition. And, once again, we came home as bridesmaids. Although the many years of getting screwed by the judges made us far from virginal.

I believe, in all, our chorus has won eight second-place medals in the last nine years. The odd year was a third place medal, and I just won't talk about that one (actually, I wasn't on stage that year...Gabe's arrival was imminent).

This past weekend was chorus competition again. I didn't mention it because we have worked so hard each year and been so disappointed each year, that I'm getting tired of taking up bandwidth to even mention it. Ok, now that I've mentioned it, I guess you want to know how it went, huh? Well, all I have to say is...


I like to give credit where due, and I lifted this photo from the Great Lakes Chorus Web site (not my chorus) because I didn't take a picture of my own medal. But mine is also shiny and BLUE. BLUE BLUE BLUE!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's been a year already!? Wow! Congrats on the beautiful blue!