My little one turned one month on Saturday. Amazing. She is already holding her head up well and "talks" to anything that will listen- mommy, pillows, toys. She also manages to track things with her eyes pretty well. I think we have an evil genius on our hands. Just like mommy...hee, hee. Oh, and to help her along, she heard her first Nobel laureate speak on Friday. True, she slept through the talk, but I'm sure that all the nerdy goodness was seeping into her brain.
Still trying to get back into a life rhythm, but we're getting there slowly. I figure if I can get a shower and do a load of laundry, it's a good day. And I finally ordered the birth announcements yesterday using the pic above. I tried to get one with both kids, but it was not happening, so I just went with capturing
one of them in a good mood.
I have sleeping baby again and have not yet accomplished a shower (laundry done- yay), so I should run. Toodles!
So cute!
Is she flashing gang signs already? Y'all live in a tough 'hood....
Siena looks darling in that photo!
She is completely adorable.
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