For those keeping score, SC turned one two Saturdays ago. You may also notice that date being within the blog blackout period I experienced, so no big celebratory post for the little girl. We actually had her birthday bash on Labor Day weekend to allow some out of town family members to attend more easily. But I had decided to wait and post everything on the actual day. I'm only 10 days late...what do you want?

Mr. D's parents came to town for the party and since we won't be making the trip up there any time soon (Mr. D has no vacation time with his new job), they decided to stay for a week. We relaxed a bunch and took a trip to the museum one day (we have one of the best dinosaur collections in the world) and fun was had by all. And I made it through the week with my sanity mostly intact, which is always a good thing. I actually like having my in-laws around. I just can't relax. My MIL won't sit still for two seconds, and I am not comfortable having my guest run around cleaning my house while I sit there. And my FIL likes to complain about everything. Oh, and he chews as though it is very important for deaf people in the next town to feel the vibrations of his mastication so that they, too, will know that he is chewing. I have mentioned
before my feelings about loud chewing.

The party was great except that it was one of the hottest days of the summer, so people were melting a bit on the deck. But having a bunch of family and friends around when your little girls turns one is awesome. Especially when they bring really strange looking presents (it was a stuffed alligator). She got her first baby doll, and she just adores it. She'll drag the poor thing all over the house with her. Of course, because she still crawls, the doll gets slammed down on the ground with every motion. She's a loving mommy, I'll say...

We also had a party at her school (daycare). The kids "help" to make the cake, which is free from white sugar and is almost healthy. SC wasn't too keen on it, especially after the gastronomic delight she had at her home party, but then she started shoveling in a bunch of fruit. She does love to eat, and now that she has two bottom teeth, she shoves the food to the front of her mouth to take advantage of them.

She looks like a little old lady trying to eat corn. She might not have the teeth for long, though, if she keeps instigating wrestling matches with her brother. But they do really love each other, which melts my heart completely.
Happy birthday sweetie!
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